Friday, December 17, 2010

The Mass Exodus

Since I have made my transition from Tumblr to BlogSpot (even though Tumblr has given me a great jump-start in the art of blogging), I have decided to start copying all of my posts. I'm jump-starting with ten posts, and doing the rest one (or more) day at a time, making new content as necessary. Thus the title, "The Mass Exodus." Granted, I didn't have many posts to begin with compared to some, but a little hyperbole now and then can't hurt, can it?

While I'm starting fresh--and mildly distracted at the "SAVE NOW" button clicking itself every three and a half seconds every time I stop typing--I suppose now would be a great time to give my reader(s) a more extended "about me" than what you see in the right column.

Apart from the formalities (my name is Alex, I have a cat), I reside in the wonderful state of Michigan. Besides being the only state which I can use the back of my hand as a literal map, Michigan also is host to a lovely menagerie of weather. I use the word "lovely" in the most sarcastic manner. Amidst snowstorms and rain showers, it can be assumed that Mother Nature is most likely in "that time of the month," all the time. I could go further, but that would be unnecessary and quite perturbing.

Between school and sleep, I enjoy a wide assortment of things, like music and video games. That's about it. Hyperbole strikes again! I play in two bands: Keyboard in one, and drums in the other. I have nigh 12 years of classical training in the piano and violin, and three years of informal training of Guitar Hero. I like good humor. For example, What do you get when you cross an owl and a mouse? An owl! Get it? Because owls eat mice! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Are you bored yet?

I've never considered myself a writer. More than anything, I've thought of myself as a musician. But I digress. My previous ideas of blogs have been ones like "Grammar Warrior," where I take low-quality pictures of public grammar atrocities with my cell phone, post them on here, and violently vilify whomever wrote it. I have always been a stickler for grammar. However, I have decided to put my ability to pay attention to everything but class to use. Coupled with a fair writing sense, I thought I could get my points across fairly well, and maybe sprinkle a bit of good humor in it every now and then.

With this, I leave you. Have a nice day, eat some cake. Don't run into a bear.


1 comment:

  1. This is pretty cool Alex, you have a great vocabulary btw, your writing is pleasing to read.
