Saturday, February 5, 2011


Have you ever tried to see your heartbeat? Yes, it's possible. All you need is a tiny tiny bit of patience and a few moments in the morning.

What You Do
  • Wake up in the morning.
  • As soon as you wake up, don't move.
  • Focus your eyes on something unimportant in the distance, like the corner of the room, but don't strain your eyes trying to move them. If you have to, shift your head a bit.
  • Make sure your room is fairly lit.
  • As you focus on your object (whatever it is), don't blink. That's the most important part. You can blink a few times to prepare yourself. If you have to blink while staring, do it. It's not that big of deal to start over.
  • As your eyes get used to not blinking, you should slowly start to notice your pupils dilating to your heartbeat. That is, things will pulse brighter to your heartbeat. That's how you see your heartbeat.
  • Keep this up for however long you like. Don't kill your eyes.
This is what I discover in the morning. I am not an eye masochist.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


While driving from school one day, I passed a street called "Oaknoll." Ignore the fact that in the thirteen years of passing this street, I have never noticed it before. After reading it, I re-read it again.

How would you exactly pronounce that? "Oak Knoll?" "Oh Noll?" The "kn" consonant cluster mashed together between "Oa" and "Noll" creates an ambiguous pronunciation. Maybe they should've named it "Sixth street" instead.