Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I’ve heard that peoples’ brain waves while watching TV correlate to those in a coma. I’ve never really acknowledged it until yesterday.

Commercials are the most interesting part of television, at least to me. A company as nigh fifteen, maybe twenty seconds to showcase their product, to glorify it in a kinetographic, yet extremely concise manner. They fascinate me, but most people are too busy flipping from channel to channel to notice. However, I had the pleasure of the remote control during the Lions and New England game (to which I never really paid attention), so the channel went unchanged for the whole game, commercials and all, much to the chagrin of my extended family.

It was during a commercial break at the third quarter that I noticed now people don’t tune in to commercials. There was a particularly witty commercial that has been recurrent through the whole game, and every time I see it, I snicker a bit. I believe it’s a Geico one. During said commercial break, the commercial aired, and I once again laughed. My cousin looked at me in a quizzical manner. I pointed out the humor in the commercial, and only then did she laugh. I was perplexed.

It was a fairly unique commercial, too. I thought it was hard for it to go unnoticed.

Apparently not.

Anyways, I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving.

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