Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today, I was nonsensically ranting about various things because it seemed appropriate at the time (alone; driving car; 12:30 am), and I suddenly came across a point-of-view loophole. I said:

"...But you can't blame him such a hell of a lot, can you?...Wait, but who is you? To whom am I taking? I'm talking to my audience. Which is I. So I being you, you am I, and when I say 'you' I am actually talking to I. 'You am crazy.' This makes sense in regard to myself, you being I. So I suppose, for example, saying 'I love you' would be narcissistic, and 'I hate you' would be a warning sign of depression/suicide. 'I killed you' would be purely sucidal. I guess the demographic means a lot to the rhetorical aspect of words. What do you think? Well, you just said what I thought. And vice versa. So there would be no further reason to discuss this with my audience."

And then I pulled into my driveway, went into my bedroom, and rolled to sleep.

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