Monday, January 3, 2011


Two posts about food in a row is entirely coincidental.

Meatloaf would have to be my favorite food in the world (in coincidentally stark contrast to Lasagna), next to cantaloupe. The polygamous marriage of meat, bread, eggs, and onions—four of my favorite foods—pleases the mouth, the soul, and sometimes the moustache-line, if you ever get a little too hasty in your eatings…which I have on many an occasion. To indulge yourself in meatloaf is to indulge the mind. After the last few morsels have dropped into your stomach, your body and mind are at Nirvana. You are in a complacent trance, and there is nothing you can do about it.

As I write this, I am eating a very large amount of meatloaf, with a small potato on the side. The crunchiness of the onions! The smoothness of the bread infused with meat! The gratuitous amounts of ketchup splattered among the tiny meat-crevasses! The potato! How could one not be pleased with such a beautiful treat? Imagine the labor involved with making such a wondrous food item—it is paid double in the meat of your labor.

As I sing praises for meatloaf, however, many a child is resenting their parents’ efforts by refusing to eat meatloaf; opting for something else instead, such as lasagna; or (god forbid!) discretely wrapping meatloaf in a napkin and throwing it away. Their taste buds have yet to discover the true joy that is meatloaf. One day in their adolescence they will understand my plight.

Now, as my meatloaf is gone from plate to stomach, and I am gnawing away at a tepid potato, my body and mind….are in Nirvana. There is nothing that can stop me…except for a bear.


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