Tuesday, January 4, 2011


While in Carlsbad, California during my vacation, I stopped at a local café. After perusing the menu for a short while (I settled for a medium-rare bear meat sandwich), I noticed one of the employees looked strikingly like the drummer from Local Natives, Matt Frazier. There was only one problem, though.

She was a girl.

I was pretty sure the waiter(ess) was a woman, but her face very closely resembled that of Matt's. Replace her curled hair with a medium-length sweeped cut and you'll have not only a slightly repulsive girl, but a girl that looks like Matt Frazier.

Since I didn't have a cell phone or a camera handy, I never had the chance to take a picture of her. Besides, that would also be exceedingly creepy and unethical. However, I can give you a picture of Frazier for a frame of reference:

I have also massively failed to mention that she has neither facial hair nor large biceps.

After debating the gender of the waitress even more, I elected that I was simply off my rocker. I devoured my delectable bear meat, spent a little time calculating the tip, and splashed around in the ocean for the remainder of the day. Life went on.

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