Thursday, January 13, 2011


If you look past their self-confident composure, cats are really very awkward.

Last year, my friend told me about a quirk one of his cats had: If you stare at the cat, he will start to meow and panic. Upon staring and laughing at his reaction (mmmmmmmmmmmmmrrowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and a nervous stare), I dismissed this as merely a quirk of one of his cats.

Today, however, I decided to test this reaction for my cat. After catching her attention with a bird-like pose coupled with a large squawking noise, I held the position and looked deeply into her oddly-colored eyes. Sitting down, she stared for a few seconds, but then twitched her head slowly to the right and twisted her ears back, staring wide-eyed into the distance, her tail whipping back and forth. Even a serial killer could tell she was seriously distressed. I held my position.

After a few seconds more, she meowed. It wasn't a "meow" sort of meow, however. It was more of a "mmmmmmm," like an "excuse me, but what the hell are you doing?" type of meow. Eyes still wide, head still turned to the side. More seconds.

Then she popped up, walked away, and licked herself.

Caught her yawning.

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