Monday, October 31, 2011

How to never lose your cell phone again

I have always had a nasty habit of losing things. Cell phones, mp3 players, keys...If it has been in my possession for over two weeks, chances are that I have probably lost it. However, after re-watching an episode of Lost, in which <it's relevant but you wouldn't care anyways>, an idea struck me.

Most of my habitually-lost possessions are metal, correct? And metals are attracted to - besides where I am not - MAGNETS.

What if I build a giant huge kerfricking electromagnet, and any time something of mine gets lost, I'd switch it on? Okay, I'd probably have to warn the general public about this so something like this scene from Lost doesn't happen. Sure, I'd most likely have to sift through the vast amounts of scrap metal, ancient Native American treasures, and (probably) cars. But once I find it, it's mine again! Then I can switch the electromagnet off, and life would resume.

Disregard the irreversible damage that a magnet has on most electronic devices. It's not lost anymore, anyways.

oh, but it's Lost all right

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