Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why I Will Never Watch Daytime Television

The first thing I heard when I walked into the room was the television. "Would you rather give up showers..........or sex?"

Turns out it was a daytime show. The View? No. The Rosie O'Donnell Show? No. As the World Turns? No. Ellen? No. Rachael Ray Show? No. All my Children? No.

Oh no, turns out it was the talk show, "The Talk."

Very original, CBS.

My brother was watching Daytime television shows when he left for a friend's house, and he ever-so-graciously left the TV on for my viewing pleasure. However, the only show I would ever watch is Lost, so when Lost ended, so did my reason to watch television. However, today I was feeling a little curious, so I ventured into the room, holding a pillow--obviously a shield against any impending stupidity that emerges from the boob tube.

The pillow and I were immediately floored by said question at the beginning. Pillow, don't worry. I understand you couldn't protect me.

Why six pseudo-famous women would want to talk about pointless and/or controversial subjects (there is often a thin line between the two) while 4.2 million viewers watch (source, Feb 11 '11) is beyond me. Oftentimes the ladies start squabbling, and what I hear thereafter very closely resembles a crowded cave of bats.

Not to mention the controversy:

holy buckets of bats

I think I will stick with The Price is Right, even if we will never ever have another Bob Barker.

You know, perhaps I should rename my blog to "The Blog," and someday it will become as popular as "The Talk." ...Of course, disregarding the demographic (middle-aged women and my brother).

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